
Running VMware Fusion using Vagrant

27 Aug 2014

Greetings! This is a very quick post to get out my notes on setting up Vagrant to run VMware Fusion on OS X Mavericks. The instructions on Vagrant’s site are decent enough, but I though some things were missing, primarily that you need to actually buy the provider plugin and for some reason was thinking it meant that you have to buy VMware itself (which I of course do own), and how to get the license file.

Here are the steps that made my life easier:

$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-vmware-fusion

    $ vagrant plugin list
    vagrant-login (1.0.1, system)
    vagrant-share (1.1.0, system)
    vagrant-vmware-fusion (2.5.2)

You should now be able to launch VMware images using Vagrant!

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