
Docker: Containers for the Masses -- The docker_facts module

10 Jul 2014

It has been over a week or so and I have realized that I need to continue delivering blog posts in the series “Docker: Containers for the Masses” by covering a module for Ansible that I developed, docker_facts

This blog post is the latest in the series:

What are Ansible facts?

Ansible makes available to a user what are known as “facts”. Ansible facts are information that Ansible obtains, or discovers, from systems it manages. These facts are gathered and can be readily-used in playbooks and templates. Whatever one normally needs to do, particularly with a conditional where a decision has to be made based on something particular with a system.

To see what facts a system has, the example below being for localhost, run:

$ ansible localhost -m setup

The output is a huge dictionary with numerous entries that pertain to every possible thing about a system one would need to know: devices, networking, OS version, any environment varialbles, paths, etc. To see an example, the Ansible documentation shows this.

How does Ansible do this? It connects to all nodes specified (in the inventory or by host) and gathers this information into the aforementioned dictionary. This can certainly take time and may not always be desireable, which one can use

gather_facts: no

in a given playbook to not gather this information. If there are hundreds or even thousands of hosts in question, this can make a huge difference.

There are also other types of facts one can make use of through a number of modules and can even extend Ansible though a module that collects its own facts for a given environment, particularly cloud environments such as EC2, RackSpace, or Big IP.

Recently, when working with the Ansible [Docker plugin][ansible_docker], it became apparent to myself and others that there needed to be a facts module for Docker as well. Hence, why I developed this plugin which shall be covered in this blog post.

Docker Facts

The docker_facts module was developed because of the need to be able to obtain information about a Docker fleet. A facts module was the obvious solution to this, something that provides a dictionary of information about one or more containers as well as images. The docker_facts module is very simple. It needs to construct a dictionary that contains this information, it is necessary for the module to utilize the Docker python client library to talk to a docker daemon which provides an API for this client to communicate with.

It should be noted that this module is not part of the standard distribution of Ansible nor is yet merged with Ansible’s development repo. It can be found at a forked repo.

Using the docker_facts module

Using the docker_facts Ansible module is very simple. When you use the docker_facts module by specifying:

module : docker_facts

in a placebook, two dictionaries can then be referred to in a playbook or template called docker_containers and docker_images.

This first example shows the use of this module to return a single dictionary that the playbook then iterates over docker_containers dictionary using the with_dict loop iterator. Since docker_containers is representative of the of all containers, regardless of state, all containers will have an entry in this dictionary.

- name: Gather info about containers
  hosts: docker
  gather_facts: True
    - name: Get facts about containers
        module: docker_facts

    - name: another facts test
      debug: msg="Container {{ item.key }}"
      with_dict: docker_containers

The output of the above playbook is shown below. Docker returns 2 running containers as well as 2 killed containers. If one runs this playbook, the output is quite long, even with only 4 containers. The output below has been edited such that the first container’s output is complete, meanwhile, the remaining containers’ output is abridged. The last container isn’t running and output showing the state was left intact so that it can be seen how a killed container still has all the information but that the state of it no longer running is apparent.

$ ansible-playbook -i hosts facts_all.yml

PLAY [Gather info about containers] *******************************************

GATHERING FACTS ***************************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK: [Get facts about containers] ********************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK: [another facts test] ****************************************************
ok: [localhost] => (item={'value': {u'docker_state': {u'Pid': 27749, u'Paused': False, u'Running': True, u'FinishedAt': u'0001-01-01T00:00:00Z', u'StartedAt': u'2014-07-10T05:29:35.919528163Z', u'ExitCode': 0}, u'docker_ports': [{u'Type': u'tcp', u'PrivatePort': 22}, {u'Type': u'tcp', u'PrivatePort': 443}, {u'Type': u'tcp', u'PrivatePort': 80}], u'docker_name': u'/container_3', u'docker_mountlabel': u'', u'docker_volumesrw': {}, u'docker_hostnamepath': u'/var/lib/docker/containers/53762ab286a5a7b1cdbd7b09faef722f34e666fe9450fce58b4ae31e7e84ba75/hostname', u'docker_networksettings': {u'Bridge': u'docker0', u'PortMapping': None, u'Gateway': u'', u'IPPrefixLen': 16, u'IPAddress': u'', u'Ports': {u'22/tcp': None, u'443/tcp': None, u'80/tcp': None}}, u'docker_names': [], u'docker_image': u'capttofu/apache:latest', u'docker_driver': u'aufs', u'docker_resolvconfpath': u'/etc/resolv.conf', u'docker_path': u'/usr/local/sbin/', u'docker_volumes': {}, u'docker_args': [], u'docker_execdriver': u'native-0.2', u'docker_hostspath': u'/var/lib/docker/containers/53762ab286a5a7b1cdbd7b09faef722f34e666fe9450fce58b4ae31e7e84ba75/hosts', u'docker_created': 1404970175, u'docker_hostconfig': {u'ContainerIDFile': u'', u'NetworkMode': u'', u'LxcConf': None, u'Binds': None, u'Dns': None, u'DnsSearch': None, u'Privileged': False, u'VolumesFrom': None, u'Links': None, u'PortBindings': None, u'PublishAllPorts': False}, u'docker_status': u'Up 12 minutes', u'docker_config': {u'Env': [u'HOME=/', u'PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin'], u'Hostname': u'53762ab286a5', u'Entrypoint': [u'/usr/local/sbin/'], u'PortSpecs': None, u'Memory': 0, u'OnBuild': None, u'OpenStdin': False, u'Cpuset': u'', u'User': u'', u'AttachStderr': False, u'AttachStdout': False, u'NetworkDisabled': False, u'WorkingDir': u'', u'Cmd': None, u'StdinOnce': False, u'AttachStdin': False, u'Volumes': None, u'MemorySwap': 0, u'Tty': False, u'CpuShares': 0, u'Domainname': u'', u'Image': u'capttofu/apache', u'ExposedPorts': {u'22/tcp': {}, u'443/tcp': {}, u'80/tcp': {}}}, u'docker_command': u'/usr/local/sbin/', u'docker_short_id': u'53762ab286a5a', u'docker_processlabel': u'', u'docker_id': u'53762ab286a5a7b1cdbd7b09faef722f34e666fe9450fce58b4ae31e7e84ba75'}, 'key': u'container_3'}) => {
    "item": {
        "key": "container_3",
        "value": {
            "docker_args": [],
            "docker_command": "/usr/local/sbin/",
            "docker_config": {
                "AttachStderr": false,
                "AttachStdin": false,
                "AttachStdout": false,
                "Cmd": null,
                "CpuShares": 0,
                "Cpuset": "",
                "Domainname": "",
                "Entrypoint": [
                "Env": [
                "ExposedPorts": {
                    "22/tcp": {},
                    "443/tcp": {},
                    "80/tcp": {}
                "Hostname": "53762ab286a5",
                "Image": "capttofu/apache",
                "Memory": 0,
                "MemorySwap": 0,
                "NetworkDisabled": false,
                "OnBuild": null,
                "OpenStdin": false,
                "PortSpecs": null,
                "StdinOnce": false,
                "Tty": false,
                "User": "",
                "Volumes": null,
                "WorkingDir": ""
            "docker_created": 1404970175,
            "docker_driver": "aufs",
            "docker_execdriver": "native-0.2",
            "docker_hostconfig": {
                "Binds": null,
                "ContainerIDFile": "",
                "Dns": null,
                "DnsSearch": null,
                "Links": null,
                "LxcConf": null,
                "NetworkMode": "",
                "PortBindings": null,
                "Privileged": false,
                "PublishAllPorts": false,
                "VolumesFrom": null
            "docker_hostnamepath": "/var/lib/docker/containers/53762ab286a5a7b1cdbd7b09faef722f34e666fe9450fce58b4ae31e7e84ba75/hostname",
            "docker_hostspath": "/var/lib/docker/containers/53762ab286a5a7b1cdbd7b09faef722f34e666fe9450fce58b4ae31e7e84ba75/hosts",
            "docker_id": "53762ab286a5a7b1cdbd7b09faef722f34e666fe9450fce58b4ae31e7e84ba75",
            "docker_image": "capttofu/apache:latest",
            "docker_mountlabel": "",
            "docker_name": "/container_3",
            "docker_names": [],
            "docker_networksettings": {
                "Bridge": "docker0",
                "Gateway": "",
                "IPAddress": "",
                "IPPrefixLen": 16,
                "PortMapping": null,
                "Ports": {
                    "22/tcp": null,
                    "443/tcp": null,
                    "80/tcp": null
            "docker_path": "/usr/local/sbin/",
            "docker_ports": [
                    "PrivatePort": 22,
                    "Type": "tcp"
                    "PrivatePort": 443,
                    "Type": "tcp"
                    "PrivatePort": 80,
                    "Type": "tcp"
            "docker_processlabel": "",
            "docker_resolvconfpath": "/etc/resolv.conf",
            "docker_short_id": "53762ab286a5a",
            "docker_state": {
                "ExitCode": 0,
                "FinishedAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                "Paused": false,
                "Pid": 27749,
                "Running": true,
                "StartedAt": "2014-07-10T05:29:35.919528163Z"
            "docker_status": "Up 12 minutes",
            "docker_volumes": {},
            "docker_volumesrw": {}
    "msg": "Container container_3"
ok: [localhost] => (item={'value': {
   ... < SNIP > ...
    "msg": "Container container_2"
ok: [localhost] => (item={'value': {
    ... < SNIP > ...
    "msg": "Container container_1"
ok: [localhost] => (item={'value': {
    "item": {
        "key": "trusting_lumiere",
        "value": {
            "docker_args": [],
            "docker_command": "/bin/bash",
            "docker_config": {
            ... < SNIP > ...
            "docker_created": 1403707947,
            "docker_driver": "aufs",
            "docker_execdriver": "native-0.2",
            "docker_hostconfig": {
            ... < SNIP > ...
            "docker_hostnamepath": "/var/lib/docker/containers/b2e2cc2424f940f34e3932913219c2640295a394c267ead58267e13fdcd132c7/hostname",
            "docker_hostspath": "/var/lib/docker/containers/b2e2cc2424f940f34e3932913219c2640295a394c267ead58267e13fdcd132c7/hosts",
            "docker_id": "b2e2cc2424f940f34e3932913219c2640295a394c267ead58267e13fdcd132c7",
            "docker_image": "ee8da8df5e1c",
            "docker_mountlabel": "",
            "docker_name": "/trusting_lumiere",
            "docker_names": [],
            "docker_networksettings": {
            "docker_path": "/bin/bash",
            "docker_ports": [
            ... <SNIP> ...
            "docker_processlabel": "",
            "docker_resolvconfpath": "/etc/resolv.conf",
            "docker_short_id": "b2e2cc2424f94",
            "docker_state": {
                "ExitCode": 0,
                "FinishedAt": "2014-06-25T14:55:05.926785131Z",
                "Paused": false,
                "Pid": 0,
                "Running": false,
                "StartedAt": "2014-06-25T14:52:27.190492471Z"
            "docker_status": "Exited (0) 2 weeks ago",
            "docker_volumes": {},
            "docker_volumesrw": {}
    "msg": "Container trusting_lumiere"

PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=3    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0

A specific container

A specific container can also be given, as shown in the example below:

   - name: Get facts about containers
        module: docker_facts
        name: db_1

This would simply result in only that container being specified in the docker_containers dictionary.


As mentioned, this module can also return information about Docker images. One need only specify images: all or with a specific image ID.

    - name: Get facts about containers
        module: docker_facts
        images: all

    - name: images info
      debug: msg="Image ID {{ item.key }} Created {{ item.value.docker_created }} Repo Tags {{ item.value.docker_repotags }}"
      with_dict: docker_images

As with containers, the output is quite verbose and the debug message results in:

$ ansible-playbook -i hosts facts_images.yml |grep msg
    "msg": "Image ID 1e47da3640f15 Created 1391071730 Repo Tags [u'capttofu/docker-dna_base:0.1.0']"
    "msg": "Image ID 634d3b1221fc5 Created 1402898757 Repo Tags [u'<none>:<none>']"
    "msg": "Image ID 2baeb2edbf924 Created 1400511467 Repo Tags [u'<none>:<none>']"
    "msg": "Image ID 02dae1c13f51e Created 1398356200 Repo Tags [u'<none>:<none>']"
    "msg": "Image ID 0c5d1a004bb22 Created 1402894889 Repo Tags [u'<none>:<none>']"
    "msg": "Image ID 37fca75d01ffc Created 1401926739 Repo Tags [u'busybox:ubuntu-14.04']"
    "msg": "Image ID 6b0a59aa7c486 Created 1401930544 Repo Tags [u'ubuntu:13.04', u'ubuntu:raring']"
    "msg": "Image ID 0ccb32b6dbbe6 Created 1402898540 Repo Tags [u'<none>:<none>']"
    "msg": "Image ID 3d2fc1306b1ee Created 1403689854 Repo Tags [u'<none>:<none>']"
    "msg": "Image ID 5c640c2fc451f Created 1402354657 Repo Tags [u'brendanburns/php-redis:latest']"
    "msg": "Image ID a31ebdaaa8d87 Created 1402898593 Repo Tags [u'capttofu/haproxy:latest']" <br />

A less verbose and more pragmatic example

The previous examples were very simplistic and a bit of a hose on full blast, particularly with the one returning all containers! A more pragmatic example and one that shows how useful docker_facts is would be the following snippet that prints out the container name, IP address only for running containers using the when statement.

   - name: a more practical example 
     debug: msg="Host{{':'}} {{ inventory_hostname}} Container Name{{':'}} {{ item.key }} IP Address{{':'}} {{ item.value.docker_networksettings.IPAddress }}"
     when: item.value.docker_state.Running == True
     with_dict: docker_containers

To run this playbook and only capture the actual debug message, the play can be pipe through grep:

$ ansible-playbook -i hosts facts.yml |grep msg
    "msg": "Host: localhost Container Name: container_3 IP Address:"
    "msg": "Host: localhost Container Name: container_2 IP Address:"

This certainly is an example of what useful things this module allows you to do!

Using docker_facts with a template

It would also be possible to generate an inventory file using this module that could then be used to manage Docker containers with Ansible. The example below is a playbook recently used for AnsibleFest from the presenation where a demonstration was given showing Docker containers running on 45 [HP Moonshot][hp_moonshot] cartridges. Using this snippet, it was possible to build an inventory file grouped by host for all containers.


- name: Create an invetory file
  hosts: moonshot
  gather_facts: yes
    - name: Get facts about containers
        docker_url: tcp://{{ inventory_hostname }}:4243
        module: docker_facts

    - name: docker_hosts template
      local_action: template src=docker_hosts.txt.j2 dest=./docker_hosts_{{ inventory_hostname }}.txt

The output file, would be named by host, .txt, and the template that generates this file is the following:

{% for host in hostvars | sort %}
[{{ host }}]
{% for container in docker_containers | sort %}
{{ container }} ansible_ssh_port={{ docker_containers[container]['docker_networksettings']['Ports']['22/tcp'][0]['HostPort'] }}
                ansible_ssh_host={{ host }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

The final output of each file would be:

c19n1_db_1 ansible_ssh_port=49270 ansible_ssh_host=c10n1.atg.seattle.lan
c19n1_db_2 ansible_ssh_port=49275 ansible_ssh_host=c10n1.atg.seattle.lan
c19n1_db_3 ansible_ssh_port=49280 ansible_ssh_host=c10n1.atg.seattle.lan
c19n1_haproxy_1 ansible_ssh_port=49285 ansible_ssh_host=c10n1.atg.seattle.lan
c19n1_haproxy_2 ansible_ssh_port=49287 ansible_ssh_host=c10n1.atg.seattle.lan
c19n1_haproxy_3 ansible_ssh_port=49289 ansible_ssh_host=c10n1.atg.seattle.lan
c19n1_haproxy_4 ansible_ssh_port=49291 ansible_ssh_host=c10n1.atg.seattle.lan
c19n1_web_1 ansible_ssh_port=49240 ansible_ssh_host=c10n1.atg.seattle.lan


As this post shows, the Ansible docker_facts module is very useful for providing information about Docker instances on one or more hosts and if one is creative, can do all sorts of tricks to extend the power Ansible has in managing a fleet Docker containers and images.

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