My friend Brian Aker noticed my post from the other day on Ansible and image building had some things in the YAML Ansible playbooks that looked broken. Sure enough, I didn’t notice when proofreading that double {{
and }}
curly braces weren’t showing up! That was definite breakage but upon verification of the playbook in my repo, it was not broken and I realized that my markdown in my Jekyll-based github pages website/blog had manged the YAML I inteded to talk about.
Well, this is because Jekyll uses liquid tags and rips these out. The solution? It took me a several attempts, trial-and-error. Some of what I tried:
\{\{ item \}\}
\{{ item \}}
{{ item }}
What is the trick?
Quite simply (and trying to do the below so it’s visible was NOT easy!) :
raw %}
{{ item }}
endraw %}
That’s all! There was a link here (hat tip!)