
Ansible provisioning of a Galera Cluster (Percona XtraDB Cluster)

03 Mar 2014

Building a MySQL Galera cluster with Docker and Ansible

Galera replication has been very useful for having a relatively simple to set up and manage a MySQL HA database backend for various platform services at HP. Asynchronous replication is fine, it’s just that for complex cloud systems, a simple solution is desired for replication and asynchornous replication would require PRM (corosync/pacemaker). Over the past two years, I’ve worked with both SaltStack and Chef for provisioning galera clusters. Each had its challenge but they both had some things in common, particularly the issue having to do with bootstrapping the first node and subsequently bring up the other nodes, each with a successively augmented list of member nodes (other than ones self) for wsrep_cluster_address, and then finally updating the first bootstrap node to have a properl list versus gcomm://.

There have been a few projects I’ve been analyzing since working for HP ATG (Advanced Technology Group). Two of those have been Docker and the other Ansible. I did some automation work with each when I first looked into both of them and have been meaning to go back and clean up that work and make it something more modular and easier to share with those in the community who need to be able to use both for a number of things. What I had basically was a Ansible playbook that built a Percona XtraDB Cluster (Galera) Node Docker Image. I realized it was novel, but for better re-usability, I decided to make it possible for the playbook to be used in any setup, not just Docker.

Initially, I thought this task would be simple. But one should always know when you are dealing with provisioning tools and setup, that there will be continual problems to solve. I liken waiting for a provisioning run to complete being worse than watching paint dry: because at least with painting, you paint the surface and it simply dries (unless you are in Singapore on a humid day!). With provisioning, you often have to wait for it to fail. It would be like watching paint dry and having to paint it all over again because it was the wrong color once dried.

The Ansible learning-curve wasn’t too difficult since like [SaltStack][salt], it uses YAML for its “playbooks” (Saltstates”) and jinja for its templates. Ansible is different from Salt in that you run a playbook which when executed, uses SSH to connect to the node and execute it is managing whereas Salt uses a master-minion setup.

Additionally, I have been familiarizing myself with Docker. What is Docker? It’s a way to create lightweight, portable, self-sufficient containers from any application. Or as in the words of one of their developers “awsome-sauce on top of lxc”. More or less, it’s great functionality built on top of lxc.

Note: I will cover Docker specifically, and in more detail, in a later post.

The container I use for this post is mostly bare-bones though with ssh installed and set up so that when you launch the container, you can ssh into it and run ansible against it.

How it works

The setup is relativly straightforward. I have on repo that I use to launch the containers and build a hosts inventory file for Ansible. The playbooks are both a cluster playbook as well as a haproxy playbook. They in turn use the ansible-galera and ansible-galera-haproxy roles.

The real functionality is in the ansible-galera role. This took a bit of work to get right. First off, you have to make sure to get the order correct when launching the three containers and having the first one bootstrap correctly. Also, upstart doesn’t work correctly with Docker, so I ended up using the init script /etc/init.d/mysql. A docker container needs an entrypoint. An entrypoint is what the container executes upon launching. For that, I created a script that launches:

The reason I use pyclustercheck is because xinetd doesn’t work correctly on the Docker container. It runs, and the mysqlchk executes but there is nothing returned when you telnet port 9200. Pyclustercheck essentially replaces the command line script used by xinetd, clustercheck and has a webserver implemented so that there is neither a need for clustercheck nor xinetd.

How it works

The core functionality for this playbook is how it determines if a node is the first node and if it should be set to bootstrap (wsrep_cluster_address=gcomm://). Much of the functionality, I simply lifted and modified from the work I had done in a Salt state for Galera.

The first thing to look at, and this is crucial, is tasks/install_galera.yml in the ansible-galera repo. Lines 14-16 set a variable bootstrap_check to “bootstrap” if mysql has not been installed and “installed” if it has. This needs to be known in order to know if mysql (PXC) is being installed for the first time and that bootstrapping the node would be the correct thing to do.

Next, observe the template in the ansible-galera repo. and templates/etc/mysql/my.cnf.j2, lines 54-73.

On line 55, an list is defined for containing members of the cluster. Line 58 a simple boolean for to be used to determine if the cluster node is being bootstrapped. On lines 61 through 63, bootstrap_cluster is set to 1 if the node being provisioned is the first in the list and bootstrap_check.stdout subscript 0 is set to “bootstrap”, then that means the node being provisioned needs to be the bootstrap node.

Lines 65 through 71 add the IP address of a node from the hosts defined in the ansible hosts inventory file under [galera_cluster] if the IP address is not the IP address of the node being provisioned (bug in Ubuntu).

Line 72 joins the hosts together so that there is a line such as wsrep_cluster_address=gcomm://,

Finally, in tasks/configure_galera.yml, where the my.cnf is written out with the correct cluster address that the playbook worked so hard at creating is interpolated and the mysql is restarted.

There are other functionalities in the code that I won’t go into detail about can be purused in the ansible-galera repo that are straighforward.

Steps to create a cluster


There are 4 repositories in question:

Check out the docker-galera and cluster-install repositories

Check out the docker-galera and cluster-install repositories (the first two listed above). The poster of this blog uses ~/code, however, wherever the preference of where work is done

Build the docker image for the Galera cluster

Enter the directory for docker-galera repo and build the image:

host:~/code/docker-galera$ docker build .
Uploading context 174.1 kB
Uploading context
Step 1 : FROM ubuntu:13.04
 ---> eb601b8965b8
Step 2 : MAINTAINER Patrick aka CaptTofu Galbraith ,
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 6cc8cbe1a0db
Step 3 : RUN apt-get update      && apt-get upgrade -y      && apt-get clean
 ---> Using cache
 ---> f74e32f52dee
Step 16 : ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/sbin/"]
 ---> Running in a1fbf763c77f
 ---> 5d9fadfacecf
 Successfully built 5d9fadfacecf

Make a note of the image ID. In this example, it would be 5d9fadfacecf

Install the ansible-galera and ansible-galera-haproxy roles

Using ansible-galaxy, install both the ansible-galera and ansible-galera-haproxy roles

$ ansible-galaxy install --force --roles-path=/where/ever/you/want/your/roles CaptTofu.ansible-galera
$ ansible-galaxy install --force --roles-path=/where/ever/you/want/your/roles CaptTofu.ansible-galera

Launch the docker containers

Enter the directory containing the cluster-install repository and run and using the sole argument the image ID recorded above when the image was built:

~/code/cluster-install$ ../docker-galera/ 5d9fadfacecf

At this point, there should be 4 running containers – 3 for PXC (your Galera cluster) and 1 for haproxy (this would be essentially any application that needs to connect to the cluster) and for this exercise, a hosts file that ansible will use.

Verify that these containers are indeed running. An example:

host:~/code/docker-galera$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                        COMMAND                CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                                      NAMES
0636ea03d91e        a1fbf763c77f                 /usr/local/sbin/star   3 hours ago         Up 3 hours          22/tcp, 3306/tcp, 4444/tcp, 4567/tcp, 4568/tcp, 9200/tcp   galera_node3
46c4b4a2c8a8        a1fbf763c77f                 /usr/local/sbin/star   3 hours ago         Up 3 hours          22/tcp, 3306/tcp, 4444/tcp, 4567/tcp, 4568/tcp, 9200/tcp   galera_node2
4b5fac0b202a        a1fbf763c77f                 /usr/local/sbin/star   3 hours ago         Up 3 hours          22/tcp, 3306/tcp, 4444/tcp, 4567/tcp, 4568/tcp, 9200/tcp   galera_node1
35a653c02872        a1fbf763c77f /usr/local/sbin/sshd   2 days ago          Up 2 days           22/tcp                                                     haproxy

Run the cluster playbook

Now you can run the playbook (still from within the cluster-install repo directory):

~/code/cluster-install$ ansible-playbook -i hosts -u root cluster.yml

At this point, you will have a running cluster

Run the haproxy playbook

~/code/cluster-install$ ansible-playbook -i hosts -u root haproxy.yml

At this point, there will be a proxy node that is connected to the cluster!

Use the cluster

Determine the IP address of the HAProxy container:

~/code/cluster-install$ docker inspect haproxy|grep -i ipadd
    "IPAddress": ""

SSH into the HAProxy container:

# mysql -u docker -pdocker -h

root@35a653c02872:/var/log# mysql -u docker -pdocker -h
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 11
Server version: 5.6.15-63.0-log Percona XtraDB Cluster (GPL), Release 25.4, wsrep_25.4.r4043

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Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.


And now, you are in business!


This cluster setup is an example of the great things one can do with Ansible and Docker and I intend on improving the playbook and setup. Some of which include:

The one thing I took away from building this was how much faster it is to deploy containers than virtual machine instances. This has profound implications for software packaging and testing.


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