
CoreS VMware Cluster Scripts

17 Mar 2015

The purpose of the simple coreos_cluster_vmware repo is to provide simple scripts for building a CoreOS cluster using the methodology that Kelsey Hightower gave me insight into using the official VMware CoreOS image.


There is an excellent blog post on CoreOS’s blog by Kelsey Hightower about CoreOS on VMware Vspher and VMware vCloud Air that was the inspiration for this post. I simply wanted to automate the process and have a means of showing a working cluster, hence this blog post.

What does this cluster consist of?

Four machines total:

What is in this repo?

In the base directory, there are “templates” for:

In the ./bin directory:

Basic idea

The basic idea is this -

For the etcd VM, this only happens once and requires not cognizance of any other machines. For each CoreOS node VM, they boot the same way but also need to know the IP address of the etcd VM.

Upon launching all CoreOS node VMs, everything should be up and running!


There is a directory in the repo with nothing in it work_dir. Enter that directory. This is where all the generated files and VMware images will exist.

Determine location of VMware CLI

You will need to find the utility vmrun. On OSX Yosemite, this location should be /Applications/VMware Set up the $PATH environment variable to have this in your path:

export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/VMware\

Get the official VMware CoreOS image


After this script is completed, there should be the image in the expected location ../coreos_image

reason:work_dir patg$ ls -l ../coreos_image/*.vmdk
total 1036072
-rw-r--r--  1 patg  staff  396820480 Mar 12 12:59 coreos_production_vmware_image.vmdk

Lanch the etcd VM

reason:work_dir patg$ ../bin/ 
Creating hybrid image...

This will lanch the etcd VM.

You can then find out what the IP address of the Virtual Machine is by running the following command:

reason:work_dir patg$ sudo vmrun getGuestIPAddress etcd.vmx

Log into the instance. The password that was set from the cloud init data file etcd_clout_init.yaml results in the VM having a password for both the core and root user of “vmware” (NOTE: this is not for production, obviously!)

reason:work_dir patg$ ssh core@
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
core@'s password: 
CoreOS alpha (618.0.0)

Now, verify that etcd is running:

core@etcd ~ $ etcdctl ls --recursive

Launch the cluster

Now the cluster can be launched. As the above example shows, the IP address for etcd is This will be the single argument to the next script:

reason:work_dir patg$ ../bin/

This will result in the same sequence of steps as the etcd server, but 3 times. Once all VMs are launched, you can verify that they are up:

reason:work_dir patg$ sudo vmrun list
Total running VMs: 5

Next, pick one of the nodes to log into:

reason:work_dir patg$ ssh core@
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
core@'s password: 
CoreOS alpha (618.0.0)

Test that everything is working by running fleetctl. The endpoint to the etcd server at, running on port 4001 will need to be specified:

core@core_03 ~ $ fleetctl --endpoint= list-machines
11cf48ee...	role=node
6b196b24...	role=node
8203d85a...	role=node

Excellent! A working cluster! Next, create a test service and launch it. In this example, the “hello” service shown on Core OS Quickstart

Once the service is created as a file with the editor of choice, submit it and run it. Additionally, export the environment variable FLEETCTL_ENDPOINT to make submission not require it explicitely:

core@core_03 ~ $ export FLEETCTL_ENDPOINT=
core@core_03 ~ $ fleetctl submit hello.service 
core@core_03 ~ $ fleetctl list-unit-files
hello.service	0d1c468	inactive	inactive	-
core@core_03 ~ $ fleetctl start hello          
Unit hello.service launched on 11cf48ee.../
core@core_03 ~ $ fleetctl list-units
hello.service	11cf48ee.../	activating	start-pre
core@core_03 ~ $ fleetctl list-units
hello.service	11cf48ee.../	active	running

The cluster is now open for business!


This document has shown how to easily set up a CoreOS cluster, as well as how to do some useful work with the VMware command line tools. For more information, do join the #coreos IRC channel on Freenode, as well as the documentation on CoreOS’s site.

Lastly, many many thanks to Kelsey Hightower for his patience and help with setting this up and answering a slew of questions!

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